(Note: This page is currently locked from community editing.)
Pownce API Versions
Version 2.1
(unreleased) Documentation
- Removed /send/file_pro endpoint, use /send/file for both pro and non-pro
- OEmbed endpoint (see oembed.com)
- OEmbed markup returned in Note endpoint for inline images/video
- New endpoint for revoking OAuth access tokens
- User photo urls are for api.pownce.com subdomain instead of pownce.com
- User endpoint can take a email address for lookup (if the user has selected public email address in their privacy settings)
Version 2.0
(2008.02.29) Documentation
- Post notes via the API.
- Post replies via the API.
- Http basic and OAuth authentication methods.
- Data returned may vary based on if the user is authenticated.
- Note lists endpoints have a new URL. Please use note_lists instead of public_note_lists.
- Returns True/False instead of 1/0 for boolean parameters.
- Friends/fans/fan_of and recipient lists also return a count and flags for has_next_page and has_prev_page.
- since_id parameter for returning notes after a certain note id.
- friend, fan, fan of, and friend request counts for the user endpoint based on permissions.
Version 1.1
(2007.11.06) Documentation
- Response fields are now unordered.
- Added JSON callback parameter.
- Revised JSON syntax.
- Note object contains the number of replies (num_replies).
- Smaller responses:
- Default number of note recipients returned is now zero.
- By default no replies are returned for a note.
- Added crossdomain xml file at http://api.pownce.com/crossdomain.xml
Version 1.0
(2007.10.29) Documentation