

Pownce was closed down on Dec 15, 2008.

For more information, please see the official blog.

Thanks to everyone for making this community so wonderful. 

Note: if you want to keep anything from the wiki, please copy and paste it elsewhere.


What was your favorite Pownce memory?

Things Powncers have built in prep for shut down




Welcome to the Pownce Community Wiki!

This wiki was created by Pownce fans, by and for the Pownce community, and is not officially affiliated with Pownce. has been acquired by Six Apart, see for details. This wiki serves former Pownce community members who wish to continue to connect with each other. Much of the information on this wiki is purely historical at this point. You may make personal copies of this information for archival purposes.

Basic Info




Bugs & Feature Requests


Developer API




Got problems with Pownce? Do you have a suggestion that you think would make it better? Head on over to the Pownce customer service site on Satisfaction



Powncers Say Goodbye