Mobile-related Feature Requests
- User avatars. - Phillip Zannini
- Pownce refuses to work in Blazer, the Palm OS Browser. - ZicklePop
- Cross-post mobile audio/text from Jott or Utterz
- Mobile photo upload, to email in my iPhone photos with a caption in the subject line (like on Tumblr). - Pete
- More links at the bottom of the userpage, such as the public notes page, friends and fan lists, other profiles, etc. - Ash Laws
- SMS message to Pownce post - btard
- - MMS updates for pictures & video - jae
- Windows Mobile Client - DigitalKNK
- Upload files via e-mail
iPhone App Feature Requests
- A conversation button at the bottom that uses what Leah Siddal has done with Pownce Bownce.
- Convert hyperlinks embedded within messages to active links.
- Fix the cache invalidation that keeps new avatars from showing up.
- Put in an auto suggest when selecting friends for private messages.
- An option to update fire eagle preferably automagically.
- Maybe display the Fire Eagle location as it does in the web app.
- Mimic the "reply" functionality in the web/desktop app to insert the !username.
- Have external links open inside the app. For this implemented see the free app Sportacular.
- Add management of friends (add, remove, block).
iPhone App Bug Reports
- When responding to a comment and adding a rating it crashes. - cpoteet
Mobile Pownce - CliffMaybe not a mobile app, but at least a stripped down version. - Nicole Simon
Pownce slows down the iPhone to a crawl and then sometimes crashes due to bag coding. No other site produces this error. - ZicklePop