
Pownce Tips

Here are a heap of general tips to make your every day use of Pownce useful and fun!


Tip 1: Check out your friends of friends.

Go to the Add Friends page and see who your friends of friends are. Most likely they're your friends too.


Tip 2: Turn on email notifications for Files and Events.

It's nice to know when someone is sending you a File or inviting you to an Event. You can change your email notification settings here.


Tip 3: Forward a note.

Did someone send you something cool on Pownce and you'd like to pass it along? Just click "forward" and send it to "my friends who haven't seen this yet".


Tip 4: Add upcoming events into your calendar.

Next to every event on your page is a link to download a ICS file. This makes it super easy to add any upcoming event into your own calendar app so you won't miss it.


Tip 5: Get specific with your sets.

It really helps to have a decent amount of sets if you have a large number of friends. This makes it easy to send the relevant stuff to the right people who are interested, and so the rest don't feel like they are getting spammed every hour.


Tip 6: On the run.

Did you know that Pownce has a mobile page as well? Find it at, and sign in! Upcoming events are also viewable on their own page at iPhone/iPod Touch users can also download the official Pownce app from the iTunes App Store


Tip 7: For all the world to see.

You can see heaps of public notes other awesome Pownce users have sent at It's a great place to see what others are up to, find neat stuff, chat about things and to make new friends.


Tip 8: Daily Events

Many users on Pownce post regular notes on certain days throughout a regular week. These are:




  • Super Tuesday - Post anything related to superheroes.
  • Tunesday: Sharing and streaming bands to the Pownce community to educate people on favorite or local bands.


  • What the Fuck Wednesday What better day than Hump Day to share news, pics, and videos of the weird and offbeat?
  • Wordle Wednesday Sharing lyrics, speeches, or any text with others utilizing Wordle.
  • Hand Writing Wednesday: Sharing notes written by hand with community members.
  • Web Developer Wednesday


  • Desktop Thursday - Users post a screen shot of their desktop, generally showing off cool wallpaper or how neat it is.


  • Foto Friday - Usually a picture taken during the week.


  • Story Saturday - A short story about something significant during the week.
  • Saturday Morning Cartoons: Sharing memories about watching cartoons on Saturday Morning.


  • Set Sunday - A Post that details your current setup of Pownce sets, and how many people in each.

Pownce 10 Commandments

1. Thou shalt post messages and media for all to see.

2. Thou shalt post bacon, lots of it.

3. Thou shalt post witty or informative responses to posts.

4. Thou shalt never friend people in mass, randomly.

5. Thou shalt only wear pants in public.

6. Thou shalt follow the sacred theme days like Music Video Mon, Tunes Tue, WTF Wed, Desktop Thurs, Foto Fri, Sat morning cartoons, and Sunday rest.

7. Thou shalt answer !blogkitten's QOTD

8. Thou shalt not cheat and use or other sites that take away from the community.

9. Thou shalt let Pownce get in the way at work every once in a while.

10. Thou shalt remember: Bacon.








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