Website Feature Requests
- block list page - a page where you can see (and edit) a list of everyone you have blocked. E.g. Flickr has this at the URL http://flickr.com/people/username/contacts/ignore - replace "username" with your Flickr username. This page should be accessible even if you are not blocking anyone, just so that you can confirm that you are not blocking anyone.
- block when deleting a comment - when you delete a trollish comment on a public note, it would be nice if you also had the option to block that user at the same time. Again inspired by Flickr, which gives you a simple checkbox on the "are your sure you want to delete this comment" confirmation page to "[ ] block user xyz" as well.
- Atom feeds across the site, preferably through hAtom markup on pages, which would also enable automatic RSS support also through the hAtom to RSS converter.
- Favicon for Pownce feeds
- Ability to hide last name (shows when you hover over it in anyone's friend list)
- Privacy to hide our recipients in our Public Notes from Fans/non-Friends. - Steven G.
- It would bee cool to have some stats on the front page like:
- 1. Number of messages sent
- 2. Number / amount (GB) of files shared
- 3. Number of members
- 4. Average posts per member - Ash Laws
- Date you joined Pownce, whatever format you think best. - Steven G.
Display number of downloads ie) filename / Views 239 (something to that effect) - Steven G.Make sets of people to read, not only write to. Will allow for better grouping of your workflow and allow alist/blist reading. - Nicole SimonNotification on private notes to me, instead of having to receive a notification on all new messages. - Nicole SimonEvent should create a downloadable file that would add a new event into your desktop calendar program (iCal, Outlook, etc...). - JakeCarterPownce should have an option to automatically open links in new windows - possibly by default on the mobile version. (There's no right click, or command key on the iPhone, etc.) - xyz3Have the ability to set the default 'Send To' as 'Public' or anything else I want. - Ash LawsOption to choose a default view for profiles (ie: to choose between only the person or person + friends as the default) - David and Nicole Simonability to remove/delete users in our "I'm a fan of:" - Steven G.- You can delete users you're a fan of by selecting "Cancel Friend" on their profile - Ariel Waldman
Ability to delete other users replies from your own notes, not just your own. - Steven G.A specialized page of the most recent public posts so you can see what other users are up to. - Nick G.Pownce API - LeechKeeping spam under control; see for instance the Ars Technica bot. This site will look like a botnet conversation if action isn't taken soon. Consider the merits of administrative intervention vs. technical implementation. - Philipp Wesche- Spam is under control as long as it's reported. You can report spammers to help@megatechtronium.com or by clicking "this is spam" next to a friend request.
Ability to moderate comments or flag as spam/abuse on your own posts - Ariel WaldmanAbility for user to delete their Pownce account - Ariel WaldmanOne or two exclusive themes for pro users - Ash LawsMore themes than just 4 and maybe some FREEDOM with themes for customization. - ZicklePopRelease code for people to contribute and submit their own themes to Pownce. - Ash LawsTruncate long links posted in replies, since the center column is fixed width. - Joost SchuurOption to disallow replies from users that aren't friends (i.e. fans) on public messages. - Adam PSeems a little harsh and counter-productive to what Pownce is. It's called 'public notes' for a reason. - Ash Laws
Ability to send a personal message with a friend request. - Alan Braun * Nolan B.Ability to block users. The blocked users won't see your updates in their (or other users') streams when signed in. - Ariel WaldmanOfficial Pownce notes to be posted when there are announcements or updates. A 'Global' posting, no need for friending. Won't show up on public feeds when viewing other people's profiles. - Ash Lawshttp://pownce.com/friend_requests/ page needs "Accept all requests" and "Nope, leave all as fans" buttons to handle all requests *on that page* so that you can at least accept/deny a page-full at a time. -TantekRSS/XML Feed of Postings Lynn WallensteinAbility to post a note from within your friends profile, at the top in the same location where you post on your own profile. Perhaps have another note setting such as 'Default send to - Friends Profile - Private, All my friends, Public' No more having to go back to your own Profile. - Steven G."@" is a great thing in Twitter, the ability to make a public reply or comment to someone that is pointed at an individual or group of individuals. Though Twitter treats this as a "Reply" I think that is a particularly limiting aspect. It's really more of a public "heads up". - ClayNewtonShorthand for creating links to other Pownce member's profiles, for example: you could enter "(aaronbassett)" and it would convert it to AaronB. - aaronbassettIn theory you could do @(aaronbasset) and it show @AaronB. That makes it easier to link to other people when talking about them without being forced to use @, even though you still can if you're actually replying to them. Plus, this would still leave one syntax. - MatthewPrice
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